Why You Should Sell Your Car and Get a Volkswagen Beetle or a Volkswagen Bus
Every year, various vehicle models are competing against each other in an effort to get the market’s full attention. However, despite having new designs and better technology, the sad truth is that...
View Article10 Ingenious DIY Repair Jobs
Ah, good old Yankee ingenuity. It’s what sets us apart from the rest of the world. No other country can claim to have our unique mix of resourcefulness, creativity, and inventiveness. This is most...
View ArticleThe 7 Worst Concept Cars Ever – What Were They Thinking? (Part 2)
Since you loved our last list of these abominations, we decided to dig up some more to give you a glimpse of the past that (fortunately) never happened: 1. Chrysler Expresso – The 90’s was a weird...
View Article10 Driving Laws You Did Not Expect to Exist
Source: Safe connections and resources Have you ever encountered weird driving laws? Apparently, every state or country has them. Some of them are senseless and quite dated and it makes you...
View ArticleBad Parking Jobs and How Some People Dealt With Them
That guy. You know him. Most of us do. He’s ubiquitous. You might’ve met him on your way to the mall, to the dentist, or to your office. You might’ve met him right outside your house. Some people met...
View ArticleSix Cars that Look Exactly Like Smiling People or Cartoon Characters
They say that cars, though inanimate, have faces that express a lot of different emotions. These six smiling cars prove just that. What’s special about these six, however, is not just that they’re...
View ArticleThese Pictures of Wrecked Exotic Cars Will Make You Wince
Uh-oh.Source: camaro5 Vehicular accidents are never something to laugh at but you have to admit, there’s a certain class of vehicles you almost want to see wrecked–exotic cars. Maybe it’s because we...
View ArticleIt Is Never Too Late To Be A Car Guy. Start With this List!
Source: Imgur Do you want to be a car guy but you’re afraid that you don’t have what it takes? Well, be afraid no more! Here is a list of things that every car guy should know even the ones who are...
View ArticleTop 10 Car Stunt Fails. Number 5 Made Us Cringe
“Buckle up, I want to try something” You know you’re in trouble when your buddy says these seven words, you’re either going to end up with a story that you’ll tell through the ages or in a world of...
View ArticleTen Cars Better at Halloween than You
It’s always fun to go out on a limb and freak people out while trick-or-treating or enjoying the annual Halloween party. That’s why every year we wrack our brains trying to come up with a creepy...
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